When was the last time you visited your opening hours? If they no longer work for you, it’s better to be consistent rather than erratic. So, what do I mean by that? Well, closing early on days when your business is expected to be open can have several potential impacts, none of which are good for you or your business. In fact, below, I share 6 ways you lose by shutting your doors early.

Firstly, it is not a crime; no law says that when you decide on business hours, you must stick to them. Being the sole trader of a small-town business has a significant impact on your health and well-being and the people who rely on you to be open when you say you will. Nothing is worse than seeing a Facebook Post that says, ‘ Due to it being quiet, I’m closing up early; sorry for the inconvenience’. Well, you’re not sorry for the inconvenience; if you were, you wouldn’t do it and here is why you shouldn’t.

Your customers rely on you to be open. Not everyone wants to eat at 5 pm or buy a meal for their workers at 5.30 pm. Shutting your doors at 6 pm because it’s quiet is foolhardy. It tells your local community you don’t care about them; it tells passers-by that the town has nothing to offer, so why stop? It means your credibility is down the toilet, and this is why!

6 ways you lose by shutting the doors early

1. Customer Trust and Reliability—Your regular customers expect consistency. If you advertise that you will be open until 5:30 pm or 8 pm, then keep your doors open. Closing early regularly could give them the perspective that you are unreliable, which could lead them to take their business elsewhere, especially if they rely on you for essential products or services. You lose!

2. Business Reputation—Word spreads quickly in small towns. Frequent early closures could give the impression that your business is struggling or worse still, that you’re not committed to serving your community. You lose!

3. Lost Revenue—Closing early directly impacts your sales for that day. You don’t have a crystal ball; you don’t know that 30 minutes after you close your doors, a customer will want to come in and spend money. Closing early means you miss out on opportunities that impact not only your profitability but also your business operations. You lose!

4. Impact on staff—If you have staff, early closures could affect their work schedules and income, potentially leading to dissatisfaction or turnover and, ultimately, the loss of staff who will stake their valued skills elsewhere. You lose!

5. Customer Behaviour—If you’re not open, customers are forced to take their business elsewhere and adjust their shopping habits. We all know that living in small communities means you often have to travel to get what you want. A 30-minute drive is nothing. Can you afford to lose the customers that you already have? You lose!

6. Opportunities for Competitors—Don’t be fooled into thinking no one else can do what you do. There is always someone who can and will do it better, especially if they offer similar products or services. You lose!

Tips to avoid closing early

Is closing early really necessary?— Sometimes, it is, and life events also impact sole traders. When you don’t have staff to help or close the shop, it’s important to communicate this clearly to your customers in advance, not an hour before but at least 24 hours’ notice. Explain the reasons and ensure they understand it’s an exception rather than the norm.

Consider seasonal factors—Do you need to change your opening hours for Summer vs. Winter? If Winter is much quieter, set winter hours and advertise them well in advance to minimise the number of people impacted by the change. But when you do, stick to it; don’t keep changing them up and down every week because you’ve had enough for the day.

What to do when business is slowWhen you have a shopfront, There is much more to do than serve your customers. There is cleaning, office work, bookkeeping, end-of-day close out, prep for the following day, your social media platforms, product ordering, and so on. Stay open and work on these other business chores. That one customer might walk in when you least expect it, and they will be grateful to find you open. It’s a win-win for your customers and your business housekeeping.

Pro TipUpdate your Google Business Profile with changes to your business hours. Did you know you can indicate which public holiday dates you will be closed or set trading hours?