The Virtual Assistant Project2024-09-16T15:12:42+10:00

The VA Project Programs

Unleash Your Inner Power

Helping virtual assistants change their lifestyles since 2015.

Jacqui James

The VA Project

At The Virtual Assistant Project, we’ve been helping Virtual Assistants change their lifestyles since 2015.

If you are looking for genuine, no-nonsense Virtual Assistant help with real connection and support, sign up for The VA Project. It’s FREE!

The Journey & Your Path Forward

For Aspiring Virtual Assistants

The VA Project is perfect for those thinking about becoming a VA. Jacqui created a strategic 8-module program to help you start and build a successful VA business from the ground up.  This is her story, what she did and how she did it to be where she is today, and it’s Free for you to join. The VA project is ideal for corporate admins who want to be their own boss. I know because I was a C Suite EA and I left my job and took my skills to create JMJ – EA for a Day.


Created by Jacqui James, The VA Project is great for filling in the gaps for VAs struggling with their business. Often, the struggle is caused by a weak business foundation. These 8 modules will help you get that solid ground you need. The VA Project is perfect if you have been in business for less than two years and are struggling to gain momentum. You will find targeted strategies and insights to help you overcome your challenges.

The Benefits of Starting Your Virtual Assistant Journey

Why Act Now?

Why is The VA Project free?

Jacqui is a Christian who loves to share her experiences, wins and the stuff that goes wrong to help anyone who wants to provide for themselves and their family. Her desire to leave a legacy and pay it forward is a key driver for her work. It’s why her clients rave about her and refer her for more business. Jacqui always goes the extra mile.

There is no hidden sell, she doesn’t want anything from you, her desire is that you take the info she has shared and that you make it your own. Your success is totally up to you.

Taking immediate action to start your virtual assistant journey can unlock numerous personal and professional growth opportunities that come with creating and building a successful business.

  • Enhance your skill set and increase your intractability in rapidly growing industries with a high demand for virtual assistants.
  • You will have the potential to earn a sustainable growth income from the comfort of your home, which can provide flexibility and work-life balance.
  • Building a solid foundation can’t be done with a quick start challenge; build your business in a week type of challenge. It takes grit, hard work, research, and planning to create a 6 figure business.
  • If you want to be a work from home business that has recurring income consistently, where you don’t have to chase clients every month for piece work then Tee VA Project is a great way to start and it’s free!


The material in The VA Project and OBM Premium Pathway modules is of the nature of general comment only and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice, where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in The VA Project and OBM Premium Pathway publication.

Transform Your VA Business with The VA Project

Struggling with your VA business? Turn it around with an old-fashioned, no-BS program. Get real connection and support—and it’s totally FREE! You work at your own pace with weekly modules and support documents that you can use to help you do better in business. The VA Project is the method I used to build a six-figure OBM business.

The VA Project 8 Modules

Each of the 8 modules shares a story of my journey, the mistakes, bad clients, how I charged, and what I did to go from invoicing $500 a month to thousands each month.

When you begin your business, you need a solid foundation. It is not enough to be a fully booked out VA because you need to chase each month to find more clients. You’re better than that. You understand that it takes hard work, and there is no shiny object to chase. Think about it: what does success mean for you? How will you know when you are successful in your business? What goals have you set?

How to get started

Access to The VA Project’s free modules is quick and easy.

  1. Register – sign up for the free access and confirm your email address (no confirmation – no access)
  2. Click any blue register button or click here to open the signup form.

Once you confirm your email, you’ll receive your first module. Subsequent modules are delivered directly to your inbox every seven days, so please make sure you add my email to your contact list when it arrives.

Set yourself up for the win!

Without a strong business foundation, there can be no long term business! There are 5 impactful stages to creating a Virtual Assistant business that will stand the test of time. In this module, we will work through each of the 5 stages to lay a great foundation.

How to set up your business!

Planning is not a dirty word and something that most of us tend not to do until we have to. But this is business, not a hobby so planning your business structure is crucial in your success. It’s a have to do not a nice to do. In this module, we will go through everything from registrations, permits, business basics, insurances and everything you need to make your business official.

Now your worth!

You may not have any experience as a Virtual Assistant, this might be your first time. It’s not just about bringing your Virtual Assistant services to the table it’s also about your life experiences. That coupled with your offering = your worth and this module will help you to work all that out.

Zero in on your target market

Jack of all trades are very popular people but they don’t make heaps of money because their offering is too scattered. Being able to zero in on a target market you want to work with will benefit you. We will go through how to work all that out in this module.

Price your service to get the clients you want!

Arguably one of the more exciting pieces to creating your Virtual Assistant business is working out your pricing structure. There are many factors that you need to consider. This module will take the stress out of working it all out.

Resources to drive your business

We are flooded today from all directions with what we think we need to run our business, the best, the most efficient *sigh*. But really, we need the tools that will help us to service our target market. It’s not just about what I use, love and recommend, it’s about what you will need to support and grow your business.

Set yourself up for the win!

Without a strong business foundation, there can be no long term business! There are 5 impactful stages to creating a Virtual Assistant business that will stand the test of time. In this module, we will work through each of the 5 stages to lay a great foundation.

Showcase your business

It’s not all about selfies and photos of you on your posts, it’s about how and what you communicate to get your message to your target market. This in turn will help your message be more consistent and help your target market to hear your message. And, it all starts with you!

The Unseen Costs of Procrastination and Inaction

Why Waiting Isn’t an Option?

There are eight in-depth 90-minute weekly sessions. Each session will be supported by a live Q&A and special guests on specific subjects. During the course, you will have email access and a Facebook Group to support and nurture your journey, celebrate your wins, and share strategy.

Comprehensive notes, exercises, homework, and assignments support each session. Your commitment will be to attend each of the 90-minute live training sessions, during which we will work through each lesson without any sales or upsell at the end. It’s taking online learning in this industry to a whole new level, which has been a long time coming.

  • Missed Opportunities: Without taking the courses, individuals risk missing out on valuable opportunities for career advancement and personal growth, potentially limiting their professional success.

  • Lack of Competitive Edge: In today’s competitive job market, employers often seek candidates with advanced skills and qualifications. Without taking the courses, individuals may struggle to stand out.

  • Skill Stagnation: Failing to enroll in the courses may result in skill stagnation, as individuals miss out on the chance to enhance their abilities and stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

  • Limited Career Growth: Without investing in their education and professional development, individuals may find themselves stuck in their current roles or unable to progress in their careers.

Why Jacqui is the Trusted Resource

Hours Experience
Years Experience
Lives Impacted

Jacqui is an absolute pleasure to work with. I’ve learnt so much from Jacqui and I find her method and manner of teaching inspirational and one of a kind. Not only does the course provide so much knowledge, insight, and much needed help with starting and building a VA business, Jacqui is there with you throughout. Jacqui helps to build your confidence, listens to your ideas, and offers additional input as well as sharing her own experiences that truly help you to work out your best steps forward.

Tuesday Semmens

My knowledge has grown tremendously in all areas of life, including admin and office knowledge, my confidence as a young woman and creating a wealth of independence. Jacqui challenges me with new tasks and pushes me to venture out of my comfort zone. The support she provides me is beyond measure, and I have been able to utilise my basic knowledge in admin and grow with her help. I have the confidence to speak up and give advice to clients and will continue to do so as my knowledge and expertise grow. Something I never thought would be possible.

Laini Seddon
I began my VA business in 2012 and struggled until I started mentoring with Jacqui from JMJ – EA for a Day. Since then my client base has quadrupled and my income has increased by 200%. Jacqui’s experience as both a high-level executive EA and a successful business owner has been instrumental in growing my business. Her system works!!
Anita Brammer

“I would recommend Jacqui’s course to anyone; even her one on ones is the best! Throughout the course, you are given so much information and a lot you may not even think of. Thank you, Jacqui; you’re amazing!”

Emma Carr

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Virtual Assistant and how can it benefit small businesses?2024-08-23T09:34:12+10:00

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a remote professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative support to businesses or individuals. For small businesses, VAs can handle tasks such as scheduling, email management, social media, customer service, and bookkeeping. This allows business owners to focus on core activities, reduce operational costs, and increase productivity without the need for a full-time in-house employee.

How many lessons in the program2024-08-23T09:34:55+10:00

There are a total of eight lessons in the program. Each one 90 minutes.

What makes Jacqui James different from all the other OBM qualified?2024-08-23T09:35:07+10:00
  • I have over 65,000 hours of business admin expertise from over 35+ years of experience.
  • A proven track record of 13 years as a profitable VA turned OBM.
  • I have turned over six figures in revenue every year for the past three years. (I turned COVID on its ear).
  • I’ve consistently grown my services, engaged more clients, and expanded my business for 13 years.
  • Clients seek me out through trusted referrals.I’m in it for the long game, that is what will change your lifestyle (Mine’s debt free). How many OBMs and VA trainers have you seen disappear from your SM feed over the past five years?
Team collaboration2024-08-23T09:35:50+10:00

You may need to build your team but don’t know where to start or how to set up onboarding and management. These sessions are perfect for helping small business owners determine the steps they need to take for their specific situations.

Develop your unique point of difference2024-08-23T09:35:59+10:00

What is it that sets you apart from your competitors? Use your session to help you refine and innovate your products and services. This is perfect if you want to set up an online course or membership site.

Gain new insights2024-08-23T09:36:12+10:00

When you bring together diverse perspectives, you gain insights into what it is you need help with. Whether it be your customer, market trends, processes, systems or procedures a fresh set of eyes on your business can be the catalyst that you’re looking for.

Generate ideas and spark innovation2024-08-23T09:36:23+10:00

Brainstorming sessions are perfect for getting into and generating new business ideas. Regardless of it being a product, service, marketing, operational improvement and increase creativity and innovation.

Who is The VA Project for?2024-08-23T09:37:43+10:00
  • For anyone wanting to get out of the humdrum of 9 to 5
  • Had enough of not being valued for your skills and experience
  • Can’t stand working for the man any longer
  • You want to learn from someone who has built an amazing lifestyle from her business
  • Who has helped others be successful and improve their financial situation
  • You want to work from home and do your own thing
  • Looking for a solid grounding in the Virtual Assistant Industry


Who can become a virtual assistant?2024-08-23T09:41:58+10:00

Anyone who can operate a computer and has access to the internet.

The type of VA you become is where your skills are based.

Launch Your Virtual Assistant Business Today!

What are you waiting for, start building your VA business today with Jacqui’s proven method. All you need to do is register!

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