These 6 Game Changing Strategies will help you do better when communicating and engaging with your client. I know that it can sometimes be challenging working with a total stranger.

I’m a take no prisoners kind of gal. I’m strong, and that comes across in how I communicate. Over the years, I’ve worked with many clients, and some, I admit, are much easier to talk with than others.

A client hires you to help them in their business, but sometimes they forget they need to communicate with you so you can help them, and they look upon your follow-ups as nagging or annoying, and these types of clients can be hard to navigate.

I’ve recorded a video, and you can watch that here or by clicking on the image below.

Don’t have time to watch the video or read the blog, you can listen to The VA Project BlogCast below.

Here are a few strategies to help move things along and improve your client engagement.

Clear Communication:

Maintain open and transparent communication with your client. Regularly update them about how you are travelling with the projects you are working on, changes, and expectations – what’s working and what isn’t. A weekly one-pager is a great way to do that.

Set Clear Expectations:

Clearly define your abilities, boundaries, working hours, payment terms and expectations, project, scope, deadlines, deliverables, and payment terms from the beginning. Don’t be afraid to call this out because, be assured, your client will be with their clients!

Professional Development:

Invest in your professional growth and look for opportunities for skill development, training, or access to relevant resources. If you need help in setting your boundaries, you can reach out to us here.

Collaborative Tools:

Utilise collaboration tools and project management platforms that streamline communication, task assignment, and progress tracking. Asana is excellent for managing projects and workload, and Slack for communication.

Zoom calls:

What is it with people who dislike putting video on when on Zoom? I consider it rude if there is not a valid reason. How can you expect to gain a connection with your screen off? Show up and be present always and respectful to the person you meet with.


It does not mean giving in. It means you’re considerate and thoughtful of your client’s needs and requirements. Negotiation is a skill that Virtual Assistants need to have if you don’t, you will find yourself wondering why clients don’t stick around.

Implementing these strategies will create positive boundaries for your VA business, and in turn, you’ll lead your client and improve their business and yours.